Wednesday 26 November 2014

Here we go...

While I don't expect anyone to actually find this and want to read it, the purpose is to force myself into being held accountable in case I start letting things slide, and thinking it's okay because it's only affecting me. So, if there is an actual person reading this, great! Welcome, I say! Wish me luck!!

If not, well, then, I'm just talking to myself, and I guess that's fine, too.

Okay, so...the idea is to keep this succinct, so it won't feel like a strain on my quite lazy personality, and I won't mind checking in to keep this up-to-date.

I am chronicling my food and exercise habits, and seeing if I can kind of analyze my motivations from day-to-day, to see if I can will myself into making better choices on a regular basis.

Time to get this show on the road...


So I have a habit of waking up, logging on to do schoolwork or whatever, and not making enough time to grab myself breakfast, and ultimately running out and buying something before work or school that is delicious, but not quite healthy.

Also, breakfast is tricky for me for a number of reasons:

1) I grew up loving cereal, having it most days, and it turns out everything I love is full of sugar, so I need to make an effort to make something else, which is problematic because

2) I'm not much of a cook, and at the thought of putting forth the effort, I'll often just shut down to cope (legitimately, if I'm hungry and it's late enough, I'll sometimes opt to sleep and ignore the hunger instead). My usual alternative to cereal would generally be something in the toaster, but

3) everything is full of carbs/starch/other things that are essentially sugar in diabolical forms, and that is one of the things I need to cut back on, to get my levels down to something less potentially scary (for trainers/doctors etc to see)...

My best option is probably eggs, but I have a weird relationship with eggs, and am trying to get myself to like them again...don't ask. Healthy breakfast options overall don't really appeal to me, so OBVIOUSLY that would be the MOST IMPORTANT MEAL OF THE DAY. The struggle, though...

I truly feel like once I get a good handle on breakfast, other things will fall into place a little more.

Anyway, this thing is already too long (look who's breaking promises to herself again so soon!), so let's get down to it


Did schoolwork until noon, so I decided I could skip to lunch...had rice and chicken with gravy (the rice is a no-no, since it was white rice, but I work with what I have!) and some lemonade...SOOO much sugar in that lemonade, undoubtedly, but I at least opted for a smaller glass...

Came back from school, had a few pieces of cheese, a piece of celery with hummus, and a piece of a veggie patty. Still trying to work out ACTUAL supper.

I also had a little bit of the lemonade mixed with vodka.

I did about 30 minutes of Jillian Michaels Cardio Kickbox, which I like, because when I'm consistent with activity, I feel strong doing it. She's a monster and I love it. It doesn't involve lying on the floor, which I like because I get up too fast and my head spins, or my boobs threaten to murder my face.
Today it felt a bit boring though. I might need to get some new videos and switch things up.

Boredom is NOT good.